Jun 13, 2008

Message from the President

Message from the President
"Reclaiming our Inheritance"

By Marlene C. Hurd

In June, we celebrate two great achievements; Juneteenth and Allensworth (page 3).
Our ancestors example shows us that we must reclaim our inheritance by creating our own resources.
Students see the effects of educational budget cuts daily. African American student achievement rates have fallen because of limited funding. Jobs are taken away from us though outsourcing. Textbooks are so expensive we can’t afford to buy them, many have to choose between education and eating.
Prisons are the new economic and housing plantations. Corporations and governmental systems make decisions on our behalf without our consent. The Iraq War has endangered our economic safety net. Student support program funding like Cal Grants are being reduced. Enough is enough. It is time for change.
Our ancestors went through many struggles to obtain our freedom. Many died because of racism and discrimination. Their perserverance is our road map. Our time has come to become our own creators and providers. Our history shows: success is in our DNA.
Now is our time to reclaim it. Just as Allensworth did, we must build our own cities.
At our 10th Annual Black Caucus Leadership Conference students were given the message to ‘build.’
California Community Colleges Board of Governor Member Dr. Rev. J Alfred Smith gave us clear directions that we are to build.
We must build our own economic systems, re-build Black Wall Street, fulfill the needs of our youth, set up our own governmental systems. Yes, we can do it. We will become the change want to see in the world.
This month as we celebrate Juneteenth and the 100th Centennial Anniversary of Allensworth let’s not forget what our ancestors left for us to build on.
We must now get in position to reclaim it. God has given it to us. The winds of change are calling upon us to build. Reclaim our inheritance.
The front door is now open.

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