Jun 15, 2008


African American independence day

By Marlene C. Hurd

This month as be celebrate Juneteenth as African Americans we must never forget what our ancestors went through to achieve freedom. It is a time when we honor our past, celebrate our present and prepare for our future.
Garvey stated, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”.
Juneteenth is a celebration to remind us of the end of slavery in the United States.
Ellen Rollins California
State Director of The National Association of Juneteenth Lineage, Inc stated, “Juneteenth is a day when our communities come together. It’s also a time to let African Americans know we should never forget the struggle we went through.”
“What we do today is just as important as where we have come from. It’s a celebration of what we’ve accomplish,” Rollins added.
As we attend Juneteenth events let us not forget its symbolic significance. It should be viewed as a family reunion, celebration of freedom, independence, solidarity and togetherness.
Juneteenth is a day when men and women fought to end slavery, racism, discrimination and may other injustices.
Yes, we cannot undue what has happen in our past. As we become acquainted with our history we can make sure we don’t repeat the same mistakes.

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